KGS Buildings Leads Industry Conversations on Enabling Smarter Buildings

May 3, 2016


As many of us put our winter coats into storage, switch out our storm windows in favor of screens and uncover that beloved grill, it’s time to also evaluate how you’re managing the performance and energy cost savings of your building portfolio during shoulder season and beyond. That’s why we’d like to invite you to attend a free webinar hosted by Realcomm and sponsored by KGS Buildings, “Building Data Analytics: One of the Pillars of a Smart Building Solution” this Thursday, May 5th from 12:30-2:00pm EDT.


One of our co-founders, Nick Gayeski, will be a featured presenter, alongside Tom Shircliff, co-founder of Intelligent Buildings, James Gray-Donald, VP Sustainability at Bentall Kennedy, Matt Kastantin, VP Business Development at Ecorithm and Gabe Schwartz, Director of Marketing and Sales Operations at Stem.

Facilities managers have a lot to think about — from building automation systems to workflows to data — but the glue that brings it all together to create truly “smart” buildings and smarter building operations comes down to automated processes and actionable analytics. In the webinar, Nick will cover the key aspects of analytics for smart facilities, including the core functions of fault detection and diagnostics in continuously commissioning modern buildings. He will then explain how this can be implemented quickly and scalably using a concept called mass customization, whereby analytics are programmed to be broadly applicable across many systems and buildings — without ignoring their important differences and unique operational idiosyncrasies. Nick will also explain how future-oriented analytics platforms can be used for virtual metering, tracking key performance indicators, and automated measurement and verification.


Attendees will gain a much deeper understanding of how the building analytics marketplace is growing, what the fundamental differences are among today’s data-driven solutions, and how teams can begin to think about making building analytics a part of their near-term and long-term operations & maintenance strategy.

To grab a seat at Thursday’s live webinar, register here.

We also look forward to heading out to Silicon Valley next month for IBCon 2016, a Realcomm conference, for our third year in a row. An event that has grown to be the world’s most comprehensive platform for smart building discussions and evolutions, we’re looking forward to this year’s theme on commercial and corporate real estate building innovation. Many of KGS Buildings’ customers are in commercial and corporate real estate, and we’re proud to say they’re leading the charge in the industry, continuously optimizing the way they are managing and improving the performance of their buildings.

If you or your colleagues will be at IBCon 2016, be sure to visit KGS at booth 1505. Interested in getting a 1:1 demo of our flagship software, Clockworks?

Schedule a Clockworks Demo at IBCon

We look forward to meeting you there!



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