Clockworks® Podcast
April 17, 2019

Here’s some additional coverage related to the selection of Clockworks as a 2019 Money-Saving Products winner by BUILDINGS, including a podcast style interview featuring our very own Alex Grace.
Clockworks is a highlighted member of an elite group of 65 products showcased online at In addition, Clockworks was featured in the April issue of BUILDINGS magazine as one of only three Editor’s Choice selections.
The podcast comes from an interview of Alex Grace by one of the editorial staff. The associated article contains a link and a transcript of the interview.
Clockworks is an FDD solution deployed as a ready to use SaaS building analytics platform with a core hierarchical diagnostics library that is both shared by all and configured to be accurate for unique buildings, systems and equipment without requiring any custom code development. In other words, the approach is truly “Diagnostics as a Service.”
BUILDINGS Media serves more than 74,000 commercial building owners and facility managers in North America. Its website, magazine and newsletters provide information that helps subscribers and users make smarter decisions about managing, operating and renovating their facilities.
The KGS Buildings Team
Automated Analytics. Smarter Facilities