APPA Course: Next-Gen FDD—Thriving in the Age of Change
March 31, 2020

There is a tremendous amount of buzz today about IoT, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the role that building analytics is playing in transforming organizations. Meanwhile, many experienced people are retiring, and facility management teams are consistently tasked with doing more with less.
We recently hosted a continuing education course with APPA—the premier professional development organization and community for educational facilities professionals—that addressed these crucial topics in some detail. The course included real world examples and best practices of how next generation fault detection and diagnosis, delivered as a cloud service, is enabling facilities organizations to shift from reactive to predictive maintenance, creating shared knowledge across the FM enterprise (new construction, commissioning, O&M, cap planning), and saving energy in the process.
Highlights from the webinar include:
- How MIT implemented Clockworks’ building analytics software across 90 buildings, 9,200 pieces of equipment, and 19M data points and realized over $1M in annual savings.
- How fault detection and diagnosis can help shift a significant volume of work order volume to predictive maintenance
- Leading research on energy management information systems (EMIS) from the Smart Energy Analytics Campaign from Lawrence Berkeley National Labs and funded by the US Dept. of Energy and their Better Buildings Initiative